Marc Colcer

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One of the best lessons I've ever learned

When I was 17 and a freshman in college, I was walking to class one day and I saw this girl wearing leggings underneath a skirt. I thought it looked strange because I had never seen anyone wear those two things together. Being as immature as I was at the time, I took out my phone and tweeted something along the lines of, "Who the hell wears leggings and a skirt together? Looks so dumb." I don't know what made me tweet that. The girl hadn't done anything to me. We had never spoken and I very well could have just gone on with my day and not said a thing to anyone. Shortly after I tweeted, a good friend of mine (who had obviously seen my tweet) texted me and said, "You hate when people judge you before they meet you and yet, here you are, judging this girl and you know NOTHING about her. Maybe she thinks it looks cool or maybe in her culture, it is considered stylish or MAYBE, she just doesn't give a f*ck what you or anyone else thinks Marc. You can't get mad when someone else judges you and then go and do the same damn thing to someone else." At first, I wanted to fire off some snotty response with some sort of justification for my tweet but then I thought about it. She was 100% right. I was judging someone I didn't know for absolutely no reason. What did I gain from that tweet? Absolutely nothing. It was immature and stupid. I'd say I regret the tweet but I don't. I learned so much from that immature tweet and from the scathing message I got from my friend. I deleted the tweet right after my friend texted me but the lesson I learned that day, I try to carry with me each and every day. I now try to spread as much love as I can because this world already has enough negativity and hatred. We're always trying to separate ourselves from other people by placing ourselves in groups and then judging the other groups. Religion, political affiliation, country of origin, sexual orientation, gender, skin color, etc. But at our core, we're all part of the same team. We're all humans. And we all deserve to be treated with love and respect, no matter what our differences may be.

Love you guys

- Marc